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دل شکسته عاشق

وبلاگ دل شکسته
دل شکسته عاشق

دل شکسته عاشق

وبلاگ دل شکسته

3 bedtime stories for kids

3 bedtime stories for kids



Hansel and Gretel Story for kids






In a green forest, there was a woodcutter living there by his wife and his two kids. His son’s name was Hansel and his daughter’s name was Gretel. They were very poor. There were times that they even hadn’t something to eat for a day. One day, our poor woodcutter didn’t have enough money for a loaf of bread.

So when the night came, he started to think and think. At the end, he whispered to his wife:

What will happen to us? We can not feed our kids. they are starving.

I know the solution dear! Said the wife. We will take the kids deep in the forest early in the morning. we will ignite a fire for them and we will give each of them a loaf of bread. Then we will leave them for good. They will never find us again and with this plan, we will get rid of them.

Oh no wife! I can not imagine how I’m gonna do that! I can’t leave my kids alone in the forest! Wild animals will find them and swallow them in a moment.

You stupid man! Yelled the wife! Then the four of us will die out of hunger! You better start and make the coffins.

After a while, the man seemed convinced.

OK! But I really am sad for my poor kids.

Not being able to sleep because of hunger, Hansel and Gretel heard what their step mom planned for them. they cried quietly. Gretel said:

This is the end of our story! We are going to die tommorow!

Be quiet Gretel and don’t afraid! I’ve got this.

He waited until both their parents went to sleep. Then he got up, put on his jacket and slipped out from the back door. He stood near the garden, where the white stones were shining under the moon’s light! He picked up as many stones as he could and filled his pocket with them.

Then he turned back to the house and said to his sister:

Keep calm dear and sleep in peace! God will never forget us!

next morning, just before the sunrise, the step mom came and said:

Wake up! Wake up you lazy kids. We have to go to the forest and cut woods for your father.

Then she gave each of them a bread and said:

This is your dinner. Don’t eat it until then!

Gretel take the bread and hide it under her apron, because Hansel had his pocket full of stones. Then they started their journey to the forest. In their way, Hansel took a stone from his pocket every now and then and dropped it on the ground.

When they reached the heart of the forest, they collect wood with their father and used it to make a fire to keeping them warm. When the fire was ready, The step mom said:

Now lie down and rest kids. Your father and I will collect woods and when we were ready to go, we will wake you up!

After a while, they became tired and fell sleep. When they finally woke up, it was night. Gretel started crying and said:
OMG! How shall we get of this forest?

Don’t even think about it sis! Wait a little bit, when the moon rises, we will easily find our way to home.

And when the full mon got up, Hansel took Gretel’s hand and started to follow the white stones that were shining like silver. They walk all the night and next morning, they reached their house. They knocked the door. When the wife opened the door and saw Hansel and Gretel, she said:

You naughty children! How many hours you slept in the woods! We thought you’ll never come back.

But their father was so happy for seeing his kids once again.

Not very long after, another scarcity came to that area. Gain the children heard their step mom talking to their father:

Everything is finished! We just have a half a loaf and after that we will die! We have to get rid of the kids! This time we will take them even deeper in the woods so they will never find us again.

The man wasn’t happy with this at all! He whispered:

I’d rather to share my last morsel with my kids.

But the tricky step mom didn’t listened to him at all and finally managed to convince him to redo the plan.

Children heard this conversation completely. When the parents went to sleep, Hansel got up and wore his jacket. He wanted to go and pick up more white stones, but the step mom had locked the door. Hansel didn’t manage to get out but he started to comfort his little sister:

Don’t cry little sis! Go to sleep! I’m sure God will help us!

Next morning, the step mom came and woke them up and gave each of them a little piece of bread. even less than before. On they way to the woods, Hansel crumbled the bread in his pocket and every now and then, he dropped a crumb on the ground.

Hansel strewed bread crumbs all along the road. Woman take them deep deep into the forest. Where they never been before in their short lives. Then again they collect wood and made a large fire. The step mom said:

Sit here, you children, and when you are tired you can go to sleep; we are going into the forest to cut wood, and in the evening, when we are ready to go home we will come and wake you up.

So when noon came Grethel shared her bread with Hansel, who had strewed his along the road. Then they fell sleep, and the evening passed, and no one came for the poor children. When they woke up it was dark night. Hansel comforted his little sister:

Wait a little, Gretel, until the moon gets up. We will be able to find our way by the bread crumbs I scattered on the road.

So when the moon rose they got up, but they there were no bread crumbs on the ground, cause the birds of the forest and of the fields had come and eat them. Hansel thought they might find the way all the same, but they could not.

They walked that night, and the next day from the morning until the evening, but they could not find the way back to their home, and they were starving, for they had nothing to eat but the few berries they could pick up.

When they got very tired and decided to lay down under a tree and sleep.

It was now the third morning since they had left their father’s house. They were always trying to get back to it, but instead of that they only found themselves farther in the wood, and if help had not soon come they would have been starved.

About noon they saw a pretty snow-white bird sitting on a branch, and singing so sweetly that they stopped to listen. And when he had finished the bird spread his wings and flew before them, and they followed after him until they came to a little house, and the bird landed on the roof, and when they came closer they saw that the house was built of sweets, and roofed with cakes; and the window was of transparent sugar.

We will have some of this, said Hansel, and make a fine meal. I will eat a piece of the roof, Gretel, and you can have some of the window-that will taste like sugar.

So Hansel reached up and broke off a bit of the roof, just to see how it tasted, and Gretel stood by the window and chewed it. Suddenly they heard a thin voice coming from the inside:

Nibble, nibble, like a mouse,
Who is nibbling at my house?

And the children thought:

Never mind, It is the wind.

And they continued eating, not paying attention o the sound. Hansel, who found that the roof tasted very nice, took down a great piece of it, and Gretel pulled out a large round window-pane.

Then the door opened, and an aged woman came out, leaning upon a crutch. Hansel and Gretel felt very scared, and they dropped all was in their hands. The old woman, however, nodded her head, and said:

Ah, my dear children, how did you end up here? You must come in and stay with me, there is no problem with that.

So she took them each by the hand, and led them into her little house. And there they found a good meal laid out, of milk and pancakes, with sugar, apples, and nuts. After that she showed them two little white beds, and Hansel and Gretel laid themselves down on them, and thought they were in heaven.




Cinderella Story for kids




Once upon a time, there lived a poor servant girl named Cinderella. She was a patient, tender and kind girl. His days were long and tiring. Full of the most boring and worst housework.

Washing the floor, washing the clothes, dusting the shelves and cooking food were the tasks that she had to do during the day. Cinderella was forced to work from morning to evening without receiving a single Penny.

Cinderella’s mother died when she was very young, and her father remarried soon after. But his new wife was a nasty woman. She had two daughters from her previous marriage who were as naughty as she was.
They tormented poor Cinderella terribly every day. One day, when Cinderella was sweeping the ashes from the fireplace, they mocked her and sang:

Poor girl, poor girl
Her face is black, burnt and ugly

Even though her stepmother and half-sisters had tormented her for years, she had never once disrespected them or tried to take revenge on them. She did not wish them ill at all.
She patiently did the housework, hoping that when she grew up she could run away and start the wonderful life she longed for.

One day when Cinderella was working at home, someone knocked on the door. Cinderella hurriedly opened the door. Behind the door stood a short, fat man dressed in royal robes and holding an important scroll.

The old man opened the scroll and began to read:

It is my duty to announce that the king has sent an official invitation to all the young ladies of this land to attend the important royal celebration in the palace.

Hearing this, Cinderella’s stepsisters pushed her to a corner and stood in front of the fat man. The man continued to read:

His Highness the Crown Prince is looking for a suitable lady for marriage. He wants to meet all the girls of this land to find true love. Please come to the palace on Saturday at 8 pm.

The little man turned, mounted his horse, and galloped off. Two knights also followed him closely.
The half-sisters closed the door and gave a loud shout of joy.
Cinderella’s stepmother entered the room.
She said impatiently:

What is the reason for all this happiness?

Oh…mom…we’ve been invited to the royal party and I’m sure one of us will be chosen as the new princes.

The stepmother replied with a mocking smile:

Of course you do, what prince wouldn’t want to marry my sweet and precious children!

Cinderella was desperately trying to quiet them down a bit. Because she knew in her heart that any prince would rather live alone for the rest of his life than to blacken his fortune by marrying these rude girls.
The stepmother turned to Cinderella and shouted:

Why did you stop and look? Prepare the clothes.

Cinderella nodded and said:

Yes Mam!

Cinderella wanted more than anything to go to the royal party. But she did not dare to ask permission from her wicked stepmother, because she knew that the wicked stepmother would not give her this permission. So she busied herself with housework and of course preparing her half-sisters’ dresses.

The evening of the royal royal feast arrived.
A magnificent horse-drawn carriage pulled up to the front door of the house, and the half-sisters, dressed in their hand-embroidered dresses, entered the carriage with much pomp and show.
Cinderella looked at them with great sadness and sighed deeply.

She said to herself:

If I could only have one wish for the rest of my life, it would be to attend a royal party and get away from the dreaded and boring housework for just one night.

Suddenly, a great light appeared in the sky.
A small fairy appeared in front of Cinderella, holding a small wand.

Fairy said happily:

Your wish will come true!

Cinderella asked in surprise:


I will fulfill your wish; Because I am your fairy godmother. Oh, how much you have suffered in silence all these years. You have a kind soul. A kind and patient young lady.

Cinderella exclaimed happily

Oh I can’t believe it!!

But suddenly a frown appeared on her face.

But I’m not ready, Fairy Godmother. My clothes are cotton and my shoes are torn. I can’t be in the palace like this!

Fairy Godmother said with a smile:

Don’t worry, Cinderella. All I need to make your wish come true is a pumpkin, a rat, two mice and four grasshoppers.

Cinderella looked very confused.

So hurry up dear. hurry up!!

Cinderella ran and prepared everything that the fairy godmother said.
First, Cinderella went to the garden and came back with a big and ripe pumpkin. The fairy godmother tapped it once with her wand and in an instant the pumpkin turned into a magnificent golden carriage.
Then, Cinderella returned a mouse from the mouse trap in the kitchen.
Fairy godmother said:

Great dear, now if you don’t mind putting them on the carriage seat for me

Cinderella quickly did this.

The fairy waved her wand again. The two mice that Cinderella found in the barn turned into two servants in classy clothes. The four grasshoppers turned into four magnificent white horses.

said the fairy godmother

And now for the final magic…

And she hit Cinderella on the shoulder with her wand.
A spark rose. The old clothes she was wearing a moment ago suddenly changed. Cinderella sparkled in a magical, sparkly gown fit for a princess. Cinderella looked at her feet. He was wearing a pair of very beautiful glass shoes that glowed in the dark.

Fairy godmother cried:

Amazing!!! But remember that at 12 o’clock at night, this magic spell will be broken and your clothes will turn into old clothes.

Cinderella said as she kissed her fairy godmother on the cheek

I understand. And thank you very much for the great favor you have done to me Fairy Godmother!!

Cinderella entered the carriage and drove to the royal party.

As the golden carriage passed through the palace gates, trumpets sounded and Cinderella was given a royal welcome.
All the ladies were amazed at her magnificence.
As she entered the ballroom, the prince was immediately struck by Cinderella’s elegance and the warmth of her smile.
The prince approached.
He bowed his head slowly and extended his hand and said:

Ma’am, would you do me the honor to dance with you?

Cinderella said with dignity and kindness:

Sure! I will be so happy.

The orchestra started playing.

Everyone in the ballroom was staring at them. Cinderella’s stepsisters were watching this scene, but Cinderella had changed so much that they didn’t recognize her at all. Instead, they stared at Cinderella with envy.
From that moment on, the prince only had eyes for Cinderella. They danced the whole night in each other’s arms and enjoyed each other’s company.
Many hours left.
9 pm
10 pm
11 pm
Suddenly Cinderella looked at the clock. It was one minute to midnight and he only had one minute to break the spell.
He told the prince





The Little Mermaid Stories for kids




My dear little friends! I’m gonna tell you the little mermaid story!

Once upon a time, far and deep in the ocean, where the water is shiny and blue, lived a sea king who had six mermaid daughter. Five of them were happy and cheerful while the youngest one was deeply sad and no one hadn’t seen her smile.

The little mermaid wanted to see the surface world! She loved to see green trees and blue sky. Because of that she always swam to the top of the ocean to enjoy the surface world’s view. She felt depressed when she couldn’t see the above world.

Georgios fish, beautiful shells and all the colorful creatures in the sea were always trying to make her smile but they usually failed. Even her father’s bedtime stories couldn’t cheer her up.

One night, the little mermaid swam to the top of the ocean when others were sleep. It was a stormy night and waves were crashing into rocks. The lightning stroke to a ship which was rolling in the ocean. The little mermaid saw a man beside the ship, signaling for help.

She swam and helped him quickly. She brought him to the shore and rested him on sands. The little mermaid fell in love with the young man in that short time. So she started to sing a song with his magical voice for the prince. And then she came back to the ocean.

She was so much in love with the young man that she couldn’t stop thinking about him. So he decided to go and visit the seashore witch and ask her to grant a wish.

The little mermaid wanted to dance and walk on the surface world. she wanted to feel the warmth of the sand. The witch. who was cunning and tricky, stirred her potion with an evil smile.

I will grant your wish! But I’ve got one condition! She said. I will give you the ability to walk and dance. But you’ll be no longer be able to talk and sing. If the prince doesn’t confess to his love for you in three days, your voice will be mine forever!

I agree! I accept your condition!


But let me tell you about the prince! He remembered one and only one thing about his rescuer! Her magical voice.

So my little friends, the witch transformed our little mermaid. After she transformed she went to the shore and sat on the warm sand where the prince was looking for her rescuer. prince didn’t remember our little mermaid:

Who are you? OH! You can’t walk?! Let me help you.

So, the prince took the little mermaid to his palace! On the second day, when little mermaid and prince were sailing on the ocean, prince decided to confess his love to her, but before he get a chance, the evil eels of tricky wish, attacked the ship.

The tricky witch who knew this, hid little mermaid’s voice in a seashell and hung it to her neck. Then transformed herself into a beautiful young woman! Then she started singing on the seashore. when the prince heard that magical voice, he was convinced that the tricky witch is her rescuer. so he decided to marry her!

But our little mermaid had many good friends! seals and fish! they decided to uncover witch’s evil plan! They attacked the witch and managed to break the chain of the neckless! Now it was the time! Our little mermaid got her voice back! She now could tell the prince who she truly was!

But on that moment, the sun set and the third day finished! Little mermaid’s legs turned into a tail and the witch grab her and took her into the deep water of the ocean!

The brave prince, who now knew the true story, went and followed the witch and battled her and defeated her!


Source: moonzia: bedtime stories for kids

2 stories for kids free

2 stories for kids free




The Little Mermaid story for kids





My dear little friends! I’m gonna tell you the little mermaid story!

Once upon a time, far and deep in the ocean, where the water is shiny and blue, lived a sea king who had six mermaid daughter. Five of them were happy and cheerful while the youngest one was deeply sad and no one hadn’t seen her smile.

The little mermaid wanted to see the surface world! She loved to see green trees and blue sky. Because of that she always swam to the top of the ocean to enjoy the surface world’s view. She felt depressed when she couldn’t see the above world.

Georgios fish, beautiful shells and all the colorful creatures in the sea were always trying to make her smile but they usually failed. Even her father’s bedtime stories couldn’t cheer her up.

One night, the little mermaid swam to the top of the ocean when others were sleep. It was a stormy night and waves were crashing into rocks. The lightning stroke to a ship which was rolling in the ocean. The little mermaid saw a man beside the ship, signaling for help.

She swam and helped him quickly. She brought him to the shore and rested him on sands. The little mermaid fell in love with the young man in that short time. So she started to sing a song with his magical voice for the prince. And then she came back to the ocean.

She was so much in love with the young man that she couldn’t stop thinking about him. So he decided to go and visit the seashore witch and ask her to grant a wish.

The little mermaid wanted to dance and walk on the surface world. she wanted to feel the warmth of the sand. The witch. who was cunning and tricky, stirred her potion with an evil smile.

I will grant your wish! But I’ve got one condition! She said. I will give you the ability to walk and dance. But you’ll be no longer be able to talk and sing. If the prince doesn’t confess to his love for you in three days, your voice will be mine forever!

I agree! I accept your condition!




But let me tell you about the prince! He remembered one and only one thing about his rescuer! Her magical voice.

So my little friends, the witch transformed our little mermaid. After she transformed she went to the shore and sat on the warm sand where the prince was looking for her rescuer. prince didn’t remember our little mermaid:

Who are you? OH! You can’t walk?! Let me help you.

So, the prince took the little mermaid to his palace! On the second day, when little mermaid and prince were sailing on the ocean, prince decided to confess his love to her, but before he get a chance, the evil eels of tricky wish, attacked the ship.

The tricky witch who knew this, hid little mermaid’s voice in a seashell and hung it to her neck. Then transformed herself into a beautiful young woman! Then she started singing on the seashore. when the prince heard that magical voice, he was convinced that the tricky witch is her rescuer. so he decided to marry her!

But our little mermaid had many good friends! seals and fish! they decided to uncover witch’s evil plan! They attacked the witch and managed to break the chain of the neckless! Now it was the time! Our little mermaid got her voice back! She now could tell the prince who she truly was!

But on that moment, the sun set and the third day finished! Little mermaid’s legs turned into a tail and the witch grab her and took her into the deep water of the ocean!

The brave prince, who now knew the true story, went and followed the witch and battled her and defeated her!

But my dear friends, prince and little mermaid couldn’t be together anymore! Because little mermaid hadn’t legs anymore! She was really upset!

When her father, the mighty king of the ocean, saw his daughter in that situation, he knew just what he had to do. he moved his magic wand and gave her little daughter two legs!


The Town Musicians of Bremen story for kids




My dear fellows, Today I’m gonna tell you the story of town musicians of Bremen.

Once upon a time, there was a man who had a donkey. His donkey had carried the corn sacks for many years. for him! Yes kids! He was a indeed, a loyal donkey!

But getting old, the donkey became weak and unsuitable for the job! So the owner thought to himself:

Should I keep this donkey or let him go?

Sensing the danger, donkey ran away from the farm and decided to go to Bremen.

Yes! I will be a great musician there! He thought.

He started his journey. He walked and walked until he reached a dog, lying on the road! The dog was gasping like he had just finished a long run!

What are you gasping for, dear friend?

OH! I got old and I can’t go hunting every day! said the dog. My master didn’t want me anymore! So I decided to run away! But, how can I find food?

I know what to do! I’m going to Bremen to become a musician! come with me. We can form a band together. I’ll play the Lute and you shall beat the kettledrum!

So the dog agreed! They were not far in the road when they saw a cat! He was sitting on the road, with eyes full of tears like the ocean!

Fluffy fellow! Why are you crying so hard? Asked the donkey!

How can I be happy when my life is in danger! I’m getting old! My teeth are not sharp anymore! I don’t wanna chase mice anymore! I rather sit near the fireplace and rest! So my mistress wanted to get rid of me! I escaped! But what am I gonna do now?

Join us! You understand night music. So you can be a member of our band! We are gonna be musicians of Bremen!

The cat thought really hard and decided to join them. The three runaways continued their journey and they reached a rooster who was cock-a-doodle-doing with all his might.

Your cock-a-doodle-do goes through and through my skull, said the donkey. What is the problem?

My mistress has guests tomorrow and he told the chef to cook a delicious soup with me for them! this evening I am to have my head cut off. Now I am cock-a-doodle-doing at full pitch while I can. The rooster cried!

Ah you feathery red headed friend! You better come with us and be a part of our band! We are heading to Bremen and become musicians! It is indeed better than death! You have a full pitch voice! Our music will have the best quality! Said the donkey.

The rooster agreed. So the four animal continued their trip to Bremen. In the evening they decided to rest in the forest. The donkey and the dog laid under a large tree while the rooster and the cat settled in the branches. The rooster flew right un the top where he was safer. right before they fall to sleep, the rooster said:

I saw a light! there most be a house not far off!

So we better get up and go! Said the donkey. I’m not comfortable here! We want a shelter.

So they moved further on, and soon saw the light shine brighter and grow larger, until they came to a well lit robber’s house. The donkey, as the biggest, went to the window and looked in.

What do you see, my grey horse? Asked the rooster.

What do I see? Answered the donkey. A table covered with good things to eat and drink, and robbers sitting at it enjoying themselves.

OH! That is just what we want! Said the rooster!

I wish we were there! Moaned the donkey!

Then the animals put their heads together and planned how to best win an invitation to come inside and join the robbers at the feast.

Come, come my friends, said the donkey. We are musicians, so let us sing for our supper.

They began to sing as best as they can. The donkey brayed, the dog barked, the cat mewed, and the rooster cock-a-doodle-do’ed.

Then they burst through the window into the room, so that the glass clattered! At this horrible din, the robbers sprang up, thinking this has to be a ghost, and they escaped in a great fright out into the forest.

The four companions now sat down at the table, pleased with what was left, and ate as if they were going to fast for a month.

As soon as the four musicians finished eating, they turned off the light, and each found a sleeping place according to his nature and fell to sleep. The donkey laid himself down upon some straw in the yard, the dog behind the door, the cat upon the hearth near the warm ashes, and the rooster perched himself upon a beam of the roof; and being tired from their long walk, they soon went to sleep.


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ژن معیوب

ژن معیوب، رمانی است اجتماعی که بخشی از معضلاتی را که گریبانگیر نسل جوان است در قالب داستانی روان و رمانی متفاوت به تصویر می کشد

برای توضیحات بیشتر بر روی عنوان زیر کلیک کنید

ژن معیوب

چگونه شادی عمیق دورنی را به خویشتن خویش فرا بخوانیم

بسیاری از محققان معتقدند که با استفاده از شش عادت زیر، ما این قدرت را داریم که خوشحال باشیم. یک خوشحالی واقعی!

شما این قدرت را دارید که امروز واقعا شاد باشید. این گفته‌ی گروه بسیاری از پژوهشگران، روانشناسان و مربیان زندگی است که رازهای شادی را آشکار می‌کند. در واقع روانشناسی و پیشنهدات آن فقط بهشرط اجرا و عمل فرد بیمار است که می تواند بر تمای جنبه های زندگی وی تاثیری شگرف و باورنکردنی بگذارد.

آنها می‌گویند شادی واقعی، خیلی بیشتر از یک لبخند بر روی صورت است. در واقع روشی است که ما به دنیا نگاه می‌کنیم. افراد شاد، روی پیروزی‌ها و معجزات کوچک، بیشتر از مشکلات تمرکز می‌کنند و به جای گرفتار شدن در ترس و نگرانی، در هر موقعیتی احتمالات خوب را می‌بینند.

آنها در مقابله با مشکلات، اعتماد بنفس دارند و با هدف زندگی می‌کنند. شما هم می‌توانید این حالت ذهنی را داشته باشید، حتی اگر در حال حاضر در زندگیتان، نا امید هستید. اگر معمولا بدبین هستید یا بمدت طولانی بدبین بوده‌اید، شش عادت زیر را بپذیرید و آنها را بکار ببرید:


آمال و آرزوهایتان را به بخت آزمایی ربط ندهید


اگر از بسیاری از ما پرسیده شود که چه چیزی ما را خوشحال می‌کند و چه شانس‌هایی باعث تغییر شرایط ما می‌شود، می‌گوییم وقتی خوشحال خواهیم بود که در قرعه کشی برنده شویم، شغل بهتری داشته باشیم یا وزنمان کاهش یابد.

ویلیام فیلیسون، دکتر و روانشناس دانشگاه ویک فارست در وینستون که در مورد شادی مطالعه می‌کند می‌گوید: در جامعه، باور داریم که شادی، چیزی است که از بیرون می‌آید و برای ما اتفاق می‌افتد. اما در واقع، شادی از درون می‌آید و بستگی به این دارد که در مورد زندگیتان چگونه فکر می‌کنید.

مطمئنا رویدادهای بیرونی و اشیاء مادی مانند یک ماشین جدید، یا حقوق بیشتر می‌توانند به شما احساس خوشبختی دهند؛ اما آن احساسات، دائمی نیستند. شما می‌توانید دیدگاهتان را طوری تغییر دهید که چه کاهش وزن، برنده شدن در قرعه کشی یا افزایش حقوق داشته باشید یا نه، احساس آرامش و اعتماد بنفس کنید.

به دنبال آرامش باشید


با قبول این عادت شروع کنید: چند دقیقه در روز را در تنهایی و سکوت بگذرانید. سوزان ویلیس، دکتر و مربی زندگی می‌گوید: واقعیت‌های زندگی مدرن، معمولا ما را مجبور به فکر کردن در مورد مسائل نگران کننده می‌کند. مثلا شما درباره‌ی این چیزها فکر می‌کنید: امروز چه کاری باید انجام دهید، ? دقیقه پیش، چه چیزی گفته‌اید یا در مورد تماس تلفنی فردا که نگرانش هستید فکر می‌کنید.

یک زمان ساکت و آرام به شما این امکان را می‌دهد که آن سر و صداها را قطع کنید و متوجه شوید که واقعا چه چیزی برایتان مهم است. سوزان پیشنهاد می‌کند که ساعتتان را ?? دقیقه زودتر از وقت بیداری معمولتان تنظیم کنید (قبل از بیدار شدن اعضای خانواده یا زنگ خوردن تلفن) و به یک اتاق ساکت بروید.

در دفتر وقایع روزانه‌تان چیزی بنویسید، تمرینات تنفسی پاکسازی ذهن انجام دهید یا فقط یک شمع روشن کنید و آرام بنشینید. این تمرین، به شما کمک می‌کند که به دو روش شادی را پیدا کنید.

در مقالات مجله سلامتی و روانشناسی ماورای سلامت به مبحث تمرین های سکوت و مدیتیشن جهت دستیابی به آرامش درونی مفصل تر پرداخته شده است.

اول، جلوی ترشح هورمون‌های استرس مانند آدرنالین و کورتیزول را می‌گیرد. اگر این هورمون‌ها تولید شوند، شما مضطرب، تحریک پذیر و ناراضی می‌شوید.

دوم، پزشکانی که در زمینه‌ی بودیسم و یوگا فعالیت می‌کنند معتقدند هنگامی که یاد بگیرید این نداهای درونی را ساکت کنید، چیز جالبی اتفاق می‌افتد. استفان کوپ، محقق مرکز یوگا و سلامت در لنوکس می‌گوید: هنگامی‌که شما آرام و ساکت هستید، پاسخ سوال «چه چیزی مرا خوشحال می‌کند؟» خود بخود مشخص می‌شود.

در زندگیتان، بدنبال خیر و خوبی باشید


کارشناسان می‌گویند اگر می‌خواهید واقعا خوشحال باشید، عادت کنید که در زندگی‌تان بدنبال خوبی باشید. هر روز لیستی از پنج چیزی که دوست دارید و از آن لذت می‌برید تهیه کنید. شاید از چرت زدن روی نیمکت یا در آغوش گرفتن فرزندتان لذت می‌برید یا از اینکه وقت دارید تا با همسرتان شام بخورید، خوشحال و سپاسگزارید.

اینکه چطور این قدردانی را انجام می‌دهید به خودتان بستگی دارد. برخی از کارشناسان توصیه می‌کنند که آن ? چیز را قبل از خواب بنویسید. بنابراین بطور ناخوداگاه با یک احساس مثبت به خواب می‌روید. بعضی دیگر پیشنهاد می‌کنند که قبل از هر وعده‌ی غذایی، در ذهنتان آنها را بررسی کنید. می‌توانید هر روز روی ? چیز ثابت تمرکز کنید یا هر روز یک لیست جدید تهیه کنید.


مانند یک دوست، با خودتان رفتار کنید


اگر به روش‌های منفی با خودتان صحبت کنید، نمی‌توانید خوشحال باشید. سوزان می‌گوید: چیزهایی که به خودتان می‌گویید، روی اخلاق و بدنتان تاثیر می‌گذارد.

افکار منفی باعث ترشح هورمون‌های استرس می‌شود و در نتیجه احساس بدتری پیدا می‌کنید. بسیاری از ما، یکسری انتقادات تند و خشن داریم که بی وقفه در ذهنمان در جریانند. اگر شما با این نوع صحبت کردن، شانس خود را برای رضایت و آرامش درونی از بین می‌برید، تصمیم بگیرید که با خودتان مانند یک دوست خوب صحبت کنید.

قول دهید که به افکارتان توجه کنید و وقتی متوجه افکار منفی شدید، آنها را با افکار مثبت جایگزین کنید.


کسی را به شام دعوت کنید


عادت دیگری که می‌تواند شما را به خوشبختی واقعی برساند، بخشنده بودن است. استفان کوپ می‌گوید: «بودا می‌گفت اگر ما قدرت بخشندگی را برای ایجاد شادی درک می‌کردیم، هرگز به تنهایی غذا نمی‌خوردیم.» او توصیه می‌کند که بیشتر کارهای سخاوتمندانه انجام دهید.

همه‌ی ما انگیزه‌های طبیعی برای بخشندگی داریم. مثلا ممکن است به ذهنتان خطور کند که یک دوست تنها را به شام دعوت کنید، به عمه‌ی پیرتان زنگ بزنید یا برای همکارتان قهوه بگیرید.

شاید بهانه بیاورید که وقت ندارید یا نمی‌خواهید پول خرج کنید. اما دفعه‌ی بعد که یکی از این افکار به ذهنتان رسید، به آن عمل کنید. بخشش، باعث ایجاد شادی می‌شود، هم در کسی که می‌بخشد و هم در گیرنده. آن احساسات خوب می‌توانند بمدت طولانی باقی بمانند.


یک لیست از لحظات شاد تهیه کنید


در نهایت برای شاد بودن، شما باید استعدادهای خود را بشناسید و هر روز از آنها استفاده کنید. بسیاری از مردم، زندگیشان را صرف تلاش برای رفع نقاط ضعفشان می‌کنند (صفاتی مانند بی نظمی، زود عصبانی شدن یا کمرویی شدید).

بجای اینکه روی نقاط ضعف‌تان تمرکز کنید، برای نقاط قوت‌تان، بیشتر انرژی بگذارید. توجه کنید که وقتی لبخند می‌زنید، در حال انجام چه کاری هستید. حداقل یک هفته، لیستی از این لحظات شاد تهیه کنید و در روز بعد، آنها را مطالعه کنید. تعدادی از لحظات شاد خود را انتخاب کنید و با خودتان قرار بگذارید تا جایی که می‌توانید، آن‌ها را تکرار کنید.














The playing time! Story for kids

The playing time! Story for kids



Billy was bored! He couldn’t wait till 5 O’ clock! 5 O’ clock is his video game time! He is only allowed to play with his video games 5 to 6 in the evening. Just one hour. And he has to do his homework before this time, otherwise, his parents wouldn’t let him to play!

That day, he was excited to play with his new brand game! His dad was in his room and his mom hadn’t come back from work yet! His dad worked from home! He always sat behind his desk and drew many many maps! Billy looked at the clock! OMG! It was one hour left to the video game time! He looked at his dad who was still working! He had an idea!

He could do something to make time run faster!

So he opened the clock and pushed the clock’s hand! Yes! That’s it! Now it’s almost 5 O’ clock! Billy wanted to say:

Daddy! come! it’s 5 O’ clock!

But he remembered that daddy has a clock on his desk! He looked at daddy’s room! OH! lucky for Billy, his dad went to the bathroom! Billy ran into dad’s room and changed that clock to! then he remembered that his parents have a clock in their bedroom too! He went and changed that one too very quick!

Suddenly he remembered that his dad has a watch too! he ran into dad’s room again and changed that one too! He had to change the kitchen’s clock too! He stood on a chair and changed the kitchen’s clock but just when he wanted to come down, daddy came out from the bathroom!

Billy got scared and jumped down! Living room’s clock was showing 5 O’ clock! But dad brought out his cell phone from his pocket and looked at it with wonder!

What’s wrong with the this clock? He asked.

Then he walked calmly toward the clock and pushed it’s hands backward. Billy was embarrassed! He didn’t want daddy to find out about what he did. So he ran to fix other clocks before dad finds out about them!

He fixed his dad’s clock first and then he ran to his patents’ bedroom!

Res: The playing time! Story for kids














